Such are those whom Lord Allah has cursed, and anyone whom Allah has cursed, you will never find a helper to him.
During Messenger’s period, those who were given the portion of the Book were the Jews and Christians. They were believing in sorcery (witchcraft) and satanic forces. They were telling that disbelieving Meccan Pagans are more guided in the Straightpath than the Messenger and his followers.
Today, the hypocrites and the Mushriks upon whom the Lord’s curse, as well as wrath, is affected are telling that even Jews, Christians, and others are more guided than the believer who is testifying Adhikr. The hypocrites are not believing in the Lord as Adhikr submits. They are knowingly hiding even the names of Adhikr. They only utter the Arabic word Qur’an which means ‘for repeated reading’. By hiding and rejecting Adhikr they are destroying none except themselves, but they perceive it not as explained in verses 6: 25-26. By serving Satan and following his footsteps, Fujjar have become the worst among 1000 communities of Lord's creatures as explained in verses 8: 22 and 98: 6. They are denoted as Mujirims who don't utilize their intelligence as explained in verses 7: 40; 10: 17 and 26: 99.
Only one in a thousand becomes a believer by testifying Adhikr and will follow the mode of prayer and lifestyle explained in verses 7: 205-206. See explanation 2: 85; 3: 86-89, 119; and 4: 140.